Little Geniuses

extraescolares en inglés en valencia-violin

Violin School

“As Soon As Possible”

The children can begin with our violin school from the age of 3.

The violin classes are based on an adaptation of the Suzuki method, which is built with the premise that all the kids are as equally able to learn music as to learn to talk. If, for any reason, a three-year-old kid hasn’t spoken yet, no one would give it up for impossible, claiming he has no talent. Any child surrounded by a musical environment, and with supportive parents that gives them confidence, will certainly learn to play the violin in the same manner they learn to talk.

“Music goes beyond words”

We present a space of SENSATIONS, a space to create a playful atmosphere for the student to experiment, enjoy, and learn the value of the music.

Through dynamic and active activities, we pretend to develop the musical potential of the kids.



The game of chess may seem a passive sport, but it is a highly intellectually demanding task: Think, Assess, Judge, Decide and Analyze.

These Chess Lessons have the purpose of developing creative thinking and cultivating social values and skills, all of this through fantasy and the creation of a playful environment.

extraescolares en inglés en valencia - ajedrez
extraescolares en inglés en valencia - yoga

Yoguis Workshop

The final goal of yoga at this age is to familiarize children with their bodies, get the to form images in their minds. We will achieve too the internalization of the power of habit, and to feel a calm body through controlled respiration.

Yoga is a physical exercise, and everybody knows that kids love to use their bodies, to move, and to laugh.


Robótica educativa

It is a learning tool that allows the children the real application of theoretical concepts through some games.

The students work as a team, value their social skills and develop the basic concepts for the robot to overcome the challenges.

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